The blog here at Spada Strong contains my favorite recipes and informative posts about fueling your body post athlete. Ready to dive in?
Have you ever found yourself continuing to eat even when you know you’re physically full…? Yeah? Me too.
Have you ever found yourself half way through a Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream pint knowing all too well that you’re absolutely going to finish the entire pint, while simultaneously loathing the fact that you’re going to finish it…
So you find yourself on the other side of a binge feeling pretty…blah. Been there plenty of times myself. The urge comes flooding in pretty fast to do something DRASTIC to make up for it, right? Maybe it’s the thought that now you need to go work it off! Compensate for what you ate! “If […]
Spices series: breaking down the nutrition benefits of spices and sauces, and why you should add the extra dressing! Starting with the science behind cinnamon!
No period…no problem? If you’re still missing your period as a former athlete, it’s a problem. Sharing with you my top 3 tips for period recovery in life after sport.
Should you still eat before and after workouts in life after sport if they aren’t as hard as they used to be? Talking all about it in this blog post!
Super delicious in-season dessert using frozen fruit (or fresh!) and loaded with micronutrients for gentle nutritoni.
Boxed brownies are great and all, but what about spicing them up just a little with this cast-iron brownie & berry pizza, complete with cream cheese frosting! YES PLEASE!
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